
Hope Cottage is a great place to gift your time and talents to the community and to meet new friends.

We have some volunteers who are so happy volunteering with us that they have been coming back for more than 20 years. The tasks you as a volunteer may be assigned include:

  • Serving food, tea and coffee
  • Cleaning up after meals
  • Help washing dishes
  • Some community groups and individuals also prepare and donate meals

Hope Cottage provides meals in the morning and late afternoon five days a week and we need volunteers for about one hour during meal times or prepare cooked meals for service. You will be a great volunteer for Hope Cottage if you are:

  • 19 years of age or older
  • Reliable with your commitments
  • Flexible and able to go with the flow of what needs to be done at the time
  • Someone with a positive attitude towards life
  • A team player who knows how to cooperate
  • Respectful and considerate of all people
  • Able to ensure your appearance is appropriate for our work environment
  • Physically able to stand for an hour and lift and carry 5 kg
  • Able to describe when and how often you are interested in volunteering (the frequency and duration of your commitment)

We want to ensure that an opportunity to volunteer at Hope Cottage is a good fit for you. When we need a new volunteer you will be asked to provide the names and contact information of three (3) people we could contact for information to help us decide if this would be a good opportunity for you. Once accepted as a volunteer you will be asked for your current contact information (phone number and email addresses, if available) as well as your emergency contact information.

You will be invited to volunteer for a three week trial and then both you and Hope Cottage will decide if this is a good fit for you and Hope Cottage. Should you decide this is not a good volunteer opportunity for you, it would be appreciated if you would communicate same as soon as you have decided not to return so that others can be offered the opportunity.

If you would like to be a volunteer at Hope Cottage, please contact the office at Hope Cottage. We will get back to you as quickly as we can.


Serving Hours:  M to F, Lunch 10am-11am,  Supper 5pm-6pm

Donations: At the door 9am to 6pm M-F.  |  Financial contributions at the door same time (online giving is 24-hours)

2435 Brunswick Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3K 2Z4 (902) 429-7968 or via Email